Sven is very easy to shut down with good crowd control.Make sure he is paired with a support hero. Ranged heroes can easily harass Sven in lane.The lifesteal talent stacks additively with other sources of lifesteal.Buy Blink Dagger and max out Storm Hammer to gank.The goal is to obtain a Black King Bar, then a crit item like Daedalus, which multiplies the damage from his God's Strength to deliver his crushing blows. While his Storm Hammer can make for some early ganks, Sven should spend most his time farming. His Great Cleave allows him to kill waves of creeps in no time. However, Sven is vulnerable to kiting and disables, and generally has a slower attack speed than most carries. A well farmed Sven can destroy an enemy in just a few hits, overpowering other carries with sheer burst damage. God's Strength, his ultimate, gives Sven a large amount of damage based on his strength and base damage, allowing him to easily slice through enemies. Warcry is a useful spell that absorbs damage and gives increased movement speed, allowing Sven and his allies to escape or chase enemies. Great Cleave is what makes Sven a good farmer, as it spreads his damage to every enemy in the radius. Storm Hammer is a great AoE spell that can stun a group of enemies. Sven is the embodiment of strength, a mighty front line fighter capable of dealing tremendous physical damage to groups of foes at once.